The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has called on the federal government to decouple two small business tax concessions from the…
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has called on the federal government to decouple two small business tax concessions from the…
Many advocates of lowering the GST-free import threshold say its current level is making things harder for small businesses. But support for…
Businesses with more than 20 staff have six months left to get ready for SuperStream, the Australian Taxation Office has warned. The ATO is …
While Sydney and Melbourne are frequently mentioned as Australia’s start-up hotspots, a new report into state-based business taxes has re…
Predictions on how the federal government could collect GST on more low value imports are flying around the public forum in the wake of a de…
The ATO has a vision (no, not a dream – this is closer to reality than you might think) of significant improvements in the way in which ta…
Three years ago, as online shopping began to take off, Gerry Harvey called for a reduction in the GST-free import threshold that allows shop…
A lower GST threshold on imports won’t happen, “full stop, end of story”, according to Prime Minister Tony Abbott in August, but the p…
Businesses have a few weeks left to buy and install assets worth up to $6500 to take advantage of the instant asset write-off provisions to …
The red tape surrounding the Paid Parental Leave scheme could be minimised for small business owners, with new legislation introduced into t…
The federal government has announced the establishment of a Productivity Commission Inquiry into Child Care and Early Childhood Learning. Pr…
Under the GST law, a person or a business can claim input tax credits (ITCs) for acquiring things for a creditable purpose. A taxpayer acqui…