Absolutely everything you need to know for the new financial year

Absolutely everything you need to know for the new financial year

Today marks the start of a new financial year so it’s time to make sure your tax, legal and super is organised for the year ahead.

As always, SmartCompany has you covered with our comprehensive guides to everything you need to know for the new financial year:

Top 10 end of financial year tax tips for SMEs

10 more end of financial year tax tips for SMEs

End of financial year tax tips from the ATO

How to stay friends with the taxman

Do not mess up with capital gains calculations this year, warns accountant

Eight things you need to know to get your SMSF ready for the end of the financial year

Four ATO tips to protect yourself from end of financial year scams

A guide for small business: The legal changes you need to know about for the new financial year

PAYG reporting to be reduced for small business as ATO embraces digital change

What you need to know to prepare your payroll for EOFY: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4

Don’t get hookwinked by end of financial year sales

The start of a new financial year is the perfect time to work “on” your business and not just “in” it. So take this opportunity to think about the strategic direction of your business:

Fast Lane: The new financial year is a time to refocus

Six top tips to ensure the financial health of your business in the new financial year

Happy new financial year!