By Jo Scrima
The end of the financial year is fast approaching and like many, you may not have your superannuation affairs in order – you m…
By Jo Scrima
The end of the financial year is fast approaching and like many, you may not have your superannuation affairs in order – you m…
By Rob Nicholls, UNSW Australia
It is received wisdom in the Australian superannuation industry that bigger is better. The theory goes t…
By Brad Twentyman
Australia is in the middle of an election campaign and it’s clear that superannuation policy is a key battleground, f…
There are a myriad of rules surrounding superannuation generally and self-managed super funds (SMSFs) are not immune from them. Strict rules…
The federal opposition has claimed the Turnbull government is looking at scrapping an increase in compulsory superannuation contributions al…
Recent proposed changes to Australia’s superannuation regime – from freedom of choice for default funds, to lifting the contribution…
Australians with superannuation funds investing in international shares and Australian listed property have come out on top in 2015. Supe…
Australian retirees are holding onto their superannuation and only spending the government mandated minimum, according to research undert…
If you had held $100,000 10 years ago in the highest-performing balanced super fund over the past decade that nest egg would have grown t…
The Australian Tax Office will offer more support to SMEs in 22 industries to help them understand and use the streamlined superannuation…
A married couple is paying a high price in fines and lost retirement savings for illegally using most of the assets in their self-managed su…
The Australian Taxation Office has admitted there has been “some teething issues” with the implementation of SuperStream, but says the v…