Write-offs, wages and supply chains: Small business election priorities revealed
New data from Xero and ScotPac outlines the election priorities of small businesses as polling day approaches.
Saul Eslake: The Coalition’s new housing scheme will lead to higher prices, not greater ownership
We now have almost 60 years of unequivocal evidence telling us that anything that allows Australians to pay more for housing than they otherwise would results, primarily, in higher house prices.
New grants available for Queenslanders affected by latest floods
In light of more flooding and heavy rains, the Queensland government has made disaster funding available through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
Migrant workers are coming back to Australia, but the system needs fixing to curb rampant exploitation
The COVID-19 years taught us that Australia depends on migration, but it has a dark legacy of entrenched wage theft among migrant workers.
The four things the ATO is cracking down on during tax time
Cryptocurrency gains, work-from-home deductions, rental income, and record keeping are the four areas in the ATO's sights as we approach the end of the financial year.
Housing industry backs Morrison government’s super withdrawal scheme amid affordability concerns
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said his government, if re-elected, would let first home-buyers withdraw up to 40% of their super.
‘Overdue’: The ATO is cracking down on small business tax debts by issuing 40 director penalty notices a day
The ATO is ramping up its issuance of director penalty notices — which can hold current and former company directors personally liable.
ATO warns businesses to be on top of fringe benefits tax as lodgement deadline looms
Fringe benefits tax might just be a problem business owners need to think about, with a May 23 lodgement deadline looming for people not doing their tax paperwork with the assistance of a registered tax agent.
Fuel costs are only going to get worse, so businesses need to reassess their budgets
Pitcher Partners' Craig Whatman and Peter Quattrocchi explain why the change in fuel tax credits will make the the next 12 months extremely tough for the freight and transport industries.
Adam Schwab: Why I love asset market crashes, and you should too
"This may not be the most popular view among everyone reading this column, but I absolutely love asset market crashes," writes Adam Schwab.
Queensland’s $5 million business grant program reopens applications following technical issues
The Queensland Business Basics Grant is set to reopen next week after technical issues prevented the third round of applications from opening on the original planned date of May 4.
Explainer: Why the entire internet is talking about Coinbase as cryptocurrency prices plummet
The co-founder and CEO of major cryptocurrency exchange platform Coinbase has been forced to combat concerns the company is teetering towards bankruptcy.