The Government’s innovation review must come up with better ways to fund early-stage R&D. Here’s how. DORON BEN-MEIR By Doron Ben-MeirE…
The Government’s innovation review must come up with better ways to fund early-stage R&D. Here’s how. DORON BEN-MEIR By Doron Ben-MeirE…
Want to establish credibility in the mind of the investor? Let me explain that investor’s psychology. DORON BEN-MEIR By Doron Ben-MeirI�…
Ask the founders of Google if they’re happy with their minority position and I’m sure you won’t hear too many complaints. DORON BEN-ME…
I’d rather back a great team with a second rate idea than a second rate team with a great idea. DORON BEN-MEIR By Doron Ben-MeirI’d rat…
Strategic corporate investors can seem so inviting on the surface, but it pays to dig a little below the surface – just in case. DORON BEN…
Business owners and venture capitalists can have very different ideas about valuations. For the VC, it’s all about pricing risk. DORON BEN…
In the final analysis, if you really feel that the VC only brings money, then it could be the most expensive money you ever get! DORON BEN-M…
Financially frustrated entrepreneurs may need to turn to other sources of funding, but the right approach is needed. DORON BEN-MEIR By Dor…
Getting start-up capital from friends and family sounds like a good idea, but it’s fraught with danger. DORON BEN-MEIR By Doron Ben-MeirY…
NEW: Wondering why those ‘risk adverse’ investors won’t back you? Perhaps you haven’t articulated your value proposition properly. D…