We’re paying through the nose for overseas mobile calls

A KMPG report commissioned by the Department of Communications has revealed that Australian mobile phone users pay far more than consumers overseas for mobile phone roaming services.

A KMPG report commissioned by the Department of Communications has revealed that Australian mobile phone users pay far more than consumers overseas for mobile phone roaming services.

The biggest beneficiaries are the mobile carriers, Telstra, Optus, Vodafone and 3 Mobile.

The report found that on average, a roamed mobile call lasting one minute and the retail price is $2.75. But the wholesale cost is just 46c, which means Australian carriers are taking a giant cut of $2.29 per minute, being the retail margin charged by Australian carriers.

KMPG also found that roaming costs are often difficult to understand and compare between carriers. Roaming changes also vary significantly between various regions.

Federal Communications Minister Stephen Conroy wants action. “International roaming charges are the subject of complaints where prices are high, making it very expensive to make mobile phone calls while overseas. This issue deserves attention, particularly as mobile data services grow and businesses come to rely even more on cross-border access”, he said in a statement.

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