Benefits versus costs: Should we start unlocking Australia?
Health Minister Greg Hunt has said it’s time to think about lifting restrictions. But when can we start, and which lockdowns should be relaxed?
Lower SME company tax, limit negative gearing and ditch franking credits: How to pay for our ballooning debt
At the end of this financial year, our federal debt will exceed $320 billion. We will need real tax reform to reduce our ballooning debt levels.
Despite what you might have heard, eradicating COVID-19 is Australia’s best economic strategy
Australia appears to be containing the spread COVID-19. But the economic costs of re-opening prematurely could be enormous.
Millions without assistance: The cracks in Morrison’s JokKeeper program
The government's JobKeeper package fails to take into account the fragmented nature of employment for an increasing number of people in this country.
ShelterSpace sees demand climb for its underground homes in wake of Australian bushfires
South Australian architectural builder ShelterSpace has seen demand soar for its fire resistant earth-sheltered houses.
Does COVID-19 spell the end of the bike-sharing boom?
The scooter and bike-sharing trends have been on the up and up for the past few years, but COVID-19 means they may be grinding to an unceremonious halt.
The JobKeeper package isn’t perfect, but will it be effective?
In ordinary times, there wouldn’t be a lot of support for a $130 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy. But these aren’t ordinary times.
Coronavirus update for business: New tap-and-go limit, one-in-one-out at Woolies, Airbnb bailout and Uber for pharmacies
Supermarkets prepare for Easter influx, Brisbane medtech launches Uber for pharmacies, and new maximum limits for tap-and-go eftpos payments.
Rent relief conditional on JobKeeper eligibility as Morrison finalises landlord talks
Rent waivers targeted at small businesses will be locked behind the JobKeeper program as the Morrison government seeks to pass the program into law.
Why landlords shouldn’t be forced to bear the cost of a recession alone
The government's efforts to make landlords the whipping boy could backfire massively: think bankruptcies and a massive property price collapse.
Delivery workers are now ‘essential’, so they deserve the rights extended to other employees
We're collectively relying on delivery workers to provide an essential service during social distancing, so we must consider what we owe them in return.
This crisis is different: E-commerce, coronavirus and the looming recession
Physical retail contracted 35% more than online retail did during the GFC. This time we believe the figures will be more extreme.