Is slowing Australia’s population growth really the best way out of this crisis?
The bridge to the other side of this COVID-19-induced economic downturn will depend on migration. It will depend on us continuing to welcome migrants.
Pooling resources and manufacturing locally: How an Australia-New Zealand bubble could lessen our dependence on China
Pooling resources and lessening dependence on China will be key to Australia and New Zealand prospering in a post-pandemic business environment.
How a commercial property crisis could wreck the economy’s recovery
History shows that trouble in commercial property ends up roiling the broader economy, and the sector is facing a pandemic shock.
What would a Chinese boycott of Australia mean for our economy?
A fundamental shift in Australia’s economic relationship with China is potentially dangerous... and it may be on the way.
How each state and territory is winding back lockdowns
As entrepreneurs hope for a return to business as usual, Australia's state and territory governments are gradually easing lockdowns.
Don’t ‘set and forget’: How the JobKeeper scheme should be extended
JobKeeper payments are expected to go to 6.6 million Australians, in order to save the jobs of around one million. This gap creates an opportunity to extend the scheme.
JobKeeper is a good start, but to tackle the COVID-19 economic crisis, we’re going to have to think bigger
Our government went into the COVID-19 crisis with ample capacity for large scale fiscal stimulus, and the massive JobKeeper package is merely a good start.
In a post-coronavirus world, will Australia recognise the valuable role women play?
Doctors, nurses, teachers, carers and childcare workers are on the front lines in the fight against coronavirus. And the vast majority of them are women.
Permanently raising the childcare subsidy is an economic opportunity too good to miss
There is also an economic case for the government to invest more in childcare to help rebuild the economy after the health crisis is over.
Why record low oil prices will end up spooking consumers
Don't celebrate falling oil prices just yet — the implications will be enormous for Australia's fragile economy.
Women are on the frontline in the war against coronavirus — and JobKeeper is failing them
New figures show women are shouldering most of the economic fallout of the COVID-19 crisis as the government's JobKeeper package fails to support them.
Virgin Australia enters voluntary administration, while Branson pledges Caribbean island as collateral for $1 billion loan
Virgin Australia has confirmed it has entered into voluntary administration, becoming the first large corporate victim of the COVID-19 economic crisis.