Is technology the real reason global economic growth has slowed?
Advanced economies around the world have, to varying degrees, witnessed the same trend of slowing economic and real wages growth since the financial crisis of 2008-09. Why?
Family-run winery “hamstrung” as it struggles to find staff post-COVID-19
A lack of staff is preventing this family winery from realising the full advantage of increased domestic tourism, and hampering its recovery.
Has the end of JobKeeper cost Australia nearly 100,000 jobs?
When JobKeeper ended at the end of March, it looked like a mere blip in employment. But that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been damage.
The typical taxable income in Australia is $59,538. So why do politicians make it sound otherwise?
Hardworking or not, Australians on more than $200,000 are rare. And an awful lot of them don’t work at all.
COSBOA: The reality of what will happen if the minimum wage is raised by 3.5%
COSBOA encourages the Fair Work Commission to consider supporting a stable employment regime through a minimal increase in the award-based minimum and associated wages.
Utes, harvesters, production lines: How Australian businesses have gone machinery mad
The latest GDP data shows business investment in equipment and machinery grew at its fastest rate since 2009.
The G7’s move on company tax may actually benefit Australia. Here’s why
A decision by the G7 to ensure multinational businesses pay a minimum company tax rate of “at least” 15% could deliver longer-term economic benefits to Australia.
Closed border is costing the Australian economy $36.5 million a day, economists warn
The border has been closed since March 2020. That decision has been instrumental in the nation containing COVID-19, but there are big social and economic costs.
The federal government’s temporary COVID disaster payment explained
The federal government has announced a payment to support Melbourne workers in lockdown, as part of a broader national scheme, called a “temporary COVID disaster payment”.
Our skill shortages shouldn’t be a basis for picking permanent migrants. Here’s why
According to a Grattan Institute report, there is no particular reason to think that temporary or even “medium term” skill shortages are the best criteria for selecting permanent migrants who will live and work in Australia for decades to come.
Aussie businesses are hiring again, but who’s taking the jobs?
The sheer volume of ads in windows throughout Melbourne shows the jobs market, which was hit hard by COVID, is getting tighter again.
New data shows a drop in unemployment rate, just one month after JobKeeper ended
New data has provided the first glimpse of what is happening with employment following the end of the JobKeeper wage-subsidy scheme in March.