Labour force statistics show the unemployment rate has become meaningless
Australia’s labour force statistics for August again make the case for giving up on the rate of unemployment as an indicator of the state of the labour market.
Business groups demand a plan for the Vic-NSW border, as challenges for SMEs escalate
Business groups in Victoria and New South Wales are calling for the state border to reopen once 80% of both populations are vaccinated.
WA budget initiatives greatly affected by border closures: CPA Australia
Border closures will continue to act as a millstone around the neck of the Western Australian economy because the labour shortages resulting from lockdowns limit the state’s ability to grow, according to CPA Australia.
Will the NRL finals boost Queensland’s economy? ‘Event leveraging’ is key
Without the time to implement strategies to really leverage events, the extent of economic benefits in the longer term are hard to estimate.
OECD urges Australia to increase GST and lower income tax
Australia should move away from heavy taxation of incomes towards higher taxation on goods and services to accelerate economic recovery from the pandemic, the OECD recommends.
Small businesses in ‘survival’ mode as access to finance remains a pain point
Small and medium businesses are bearing the brunt of ongoing lockdowns and many are now in “wait, survive and see” mode, says Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe.
Offshore JobKeeper: Why did a minimum of $110 million go to foreign shareholders?
That $110 million is the absolute minimum — including direct investment by foreign investors would dramatically increase that level of offshore transfers by taxpayers.
The Greens’ super-profit tax idea may not be the winner that it seems to be
The Greens Party has proposed a “tycoon tax” that would tax so-called super-profits made by companies with annual turnovers of more than $100 million.
IASB chair calls for rethink on accountancy standards research
IASB chair Andreas Barckow has called for research to guide how accounting standards for cryptocurrencies, intangible assets can be developed.
Climate change is threatening Australia’s farming industry
The potential impacts of climate change on employment and the livability of the regions have not been adequately considered. Here's what that means for Australia.
After lockdowns, SME business travel will play an important role in economic recovery
SMEs will be a key driver in the country’s travel recovery, and will play an important role in giving the economy a much-needed boost.
GDP graphs show Australia’s economy was performing “exceptionally well” pre-Delta
Australia’s economy was performing exceptionally well in the lead-up to the Delta variant lockdowns, propped up by a barrage of government spending in the three months to June and impressive household spending.