Business Council urges federal leadership

The Business Council of Australia (BCA) has urged the Federal Government to use the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meetings to push for reforms to business law. The BCA report ‘Toward A Seamless Economy’ sets out a blueprint for harmonising business law across the nation by 2010.

The study criticises the fragmented nature of doing business in Australia. “In Australia, the burden of business regulation is compounded by the fact that we have nine regulatory regimes in operation,” states the report.

“Unnecessarily complex business regulation means that businesses continue to face needless delays, increased compliance costs, more expensive inputs, and difficulties in transferring qualified staff to places where they are most needed.”

In compiling the report, the BCA has identified 10 hot-spots that need urgent attention across the states. They include;

  • Rail safety regulation.
  • Occupational health and safety.
  • National trade measurement.
  • Chemicals and plastics.
  • Development assessment arrangements.
  • Building regulation.
  • Environmental assessment and approvals processes.
  • Business name, ABN and related business registration processes.
  • Personal property securities.
  • Product safety.

The BCA has encouraged the Federal Government through COAG to intervene in state affairs and ensure reform and consistency for these hot spots.