Blogger ordered to lay off McDonald’s

In what is thought to be a legal precedent, a former New Zealand McDonald’s employee has been ordered to refrain from blogging about the fast food giant or its staff.

McDonald’s complained that Michael Davis, who blogged about his Kaitaia workplace, caused concern with the “menacing” tone of his blogs, a lawyer for the restaurant said.

Davis last week said he left McDonald’s because it “just got too political”. McDonald’s said he was sacked.

Davis agreed to remove his blog shortly after the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) ruled that he refrain from making written statements or posting any information on digital media about McDonald’s or its staff.

Kaitaia McDonald’s owner Justin Stonelake had initially applied to the ERA for an ex-parte injunction to remove the blog.

McDonald’s later said that the injunction was not simply an attempt to gag Davis. His blog had been threatening, demeaning and offensive to McDonald’s and its staff, barrister Eska Hartdegen said.

“One page said on top: `War time, kill them all and let God sort them out’.” Davis said his comments were quotes from a game and were taken out of context by McDonald’s.

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