Victoria-based entrepreneur Leni Mayo and Queensland counterpart Andrew Jessett have won their respective state’s top annual entrepreneurial…

Victoria-based entrepreneur Leni Mayo and Queensland counterpart Andrew Jessett have won their respective state’s top annual entrepreneurial…
Jeremy Bouris started his online business with an idea to sell audio and visual equipment to consumers. He quickly honed his business model,…
Y Combinator is arguably the best-known start-up incubator in the world. It’s basically a fusion between The Apprentice and a ‘live-in camp’…
Wai Hong Fong founded his online retail company OZHut with the idea of building specific niches into sustainable businesses. The plan worked…
Nigel Miller co-founded the Plus Fitness gym franchise with John Fuller in 2008 after noticing a shift in the market – independently owned…
Sarah Riegelhuth is the perfect role model for any young woman. Intelligent, humble and self-motivated Riegelhuth founded the financial plan…
Almost 80% of Australian entrepreneurs would start up again if given the chance, new research shows, despite almost as many citing lack of…
Janine Allis is not your typical entrepreneur. She admits that for the first part of her working life, her entrepreneurial spirit was “dor…
Small and medium-sized businesses are relieved to have escaped the worst of the cuts in last night’s budget. Peter Strong, executive dir…
Steve Keil is the head of the Laser Group, a national franchise group of plumbing and electrical services businesses. Originally founded in …
You may have heard the term ‘co-preneurs’; it’s a buzzword to represent the brave, and in some cases, foolhardy spouses that decide to run a…
Billionaire investor and Berkshire Hathaway founder Warren Buffett joined Twitter overnight. His first tweet, “Warren in the House”, …