Linda Lewin was tired of recruitment companies that focused on key performance indicators, sales and billing hours. She wanted to offer a pe…

Linda Lewin was tired of recruitment companies that focused on key performance indicators, sales and billing hours. She wanted to offer a pe…
There are few athletes on the rich list. On the Rich 200, there isn’t a single one. If you consider the Young Rich, which only looks at Au…
Name: Stan Gordon Company: Franchised Food Company Location: St Kilda, Victoria For Stan Gordon, life is all about fun. Fun food, fun times …
Years ago Christian Ruggeri shifted from business management roles to the world of fitness, helping to run the Space Health Club chain that …
In 2013 the market rose 15%, buoying many of the fortunes of our Rich Listers. But some have nailed their colours to the masts of more inter…
Name: Mat Jacobson Company: Dūcere Location: Melbourne Mat Jacobson isn’t your typical businessman. He’s established three businesses i…
As a 24-year-old graphic designer, Kat Gee realised she had a flair for designing jewellery. She went to night school to learn how to make i…
Doctor of medicine, feeder of the needy and franchiser, Dr Sam Prince is a model entrepreneur, with 36 Mexican food franchises opened since …
Name: Kate Costello Company: Governance Matters Location: Adelaide In the late 1980s Kate Costello was working in a law firm when she realis…
Marion Grasby admits there were some perks to being well known from the second series of Masterchef when it came to getting her business, Ma…
The founder and chief executive of Connect2field, Steve Orenstein, started in business as a 19-year-old running an IT support company called…
Name: Colin Kuchel Company: Australian Outdoor Living Location: Adelaide After 20 years working for a home improvements company, Colin Kuche…