The fragility of consumer and investor confidence has been well noted during the past 12 months but it’s still very rare to see rich list …

The fragility of consumer and investor confidence has been well noted during the past 12 months but it’s still very rare to see rich list …
The huge fight that Big Tobacco is putting up against the Government’s proposal to legislate for plain packaging for cigarettes is hardly …
I was doing my regular radio spot with The Illegals radio program on 3WBC in Melbourne when host George Lopez pointed out something I comple…
It seems the world is queuing up to bash Rupert Murdoch and News Corp over today’s disastrous sale of MySpace, and with good reason. It’…
Microsoft and Telstra fired a latest salvo in the battle for the hearts and minds of the SME market this morning with the launch of Microsof…
Joel Bartfeld is the founder of brand and design company Shine Group, a vehicle that houses a group of fashion and accessories brands includ…
Here at SmartCompany we’ve tracked the rise and rise of parenting and pregnancy network Kidspot for a number of years. We first talked to…
An old video gem sees Apple’s Steve Jobs hold court on adoption, design and death. This week I read a piece of criticism on the music ind…
Forget the two-speed Australian economy – it seems our wealth entrepreneurs have been firmly stuck in a high gear over the last 12 months….
I always read the ads in the newspaper. They are a great indication of the strategies being used by various companies, the health of the eco…
As someone running an internet business, my heart goes out to all of those who have seen their websites – and in some cases their entire b…
Paul Niederer is the chief executive of the Australian Small Scale Offerings Board (ASSOB), a platform that assists small companies raise be…