Few issues get the SmartCompany community as fired up as the carbon tax, which finally starts on Sunday. In the last few days we’ve see…

Few issues get the SmartCompany community as fired up as the carbon tax, which finally starts on Sunday. In the last few days we’ve see…
The Fairfax board has effectively given Gina Rinehart the finger – in an oh, so polite way, of course. “Fairfax Media Limited today adv…
What a difference a year makes. About 12 months ago, with the News Corporation hacking furore firing up and Rupert Murdoch under pressure to…
International DJ, record company impresario, and restaurateur are just a few of the hats Grant Smillie wears. Smillie, who started his en…
The trouble with company founders is that they love their businesses too much. And so it has proved with Gordon Merchant, the founder and…
Seven Group chief Kerry Stokes is looming as the wildcard in the battle for Australia’s pay TV industry, with reports today suggesting Sto…
A few weeks ago I predicted that a lot of companies would follow online ads giant Seek and go to the market to raise capital to help them re…
What a week it’s been in the media sector! First, Fairfax unveils a savage restructure with 1,900 job losses, then News Limited responds w…
A week that is surely shaping as one of the most dramatic in the history of Australian media will take another turn this afternoon when News…
OzSale’s founder Jamie Jackson manages to squeeze this interview in while in his car driving between meetings. After all, life is fast …
There are no winners from Fairfax Media’s savage restructure and the accompanying loss of 1,900 jobs over the next three years. The com…
So we can all stop being experts on Greek politics, at least for a few months. The pro-euro New Democracy party has claimed victory in the…