Global markets are again breathing a sigh of relief after the weekend’s Greek election, with the pro-Euro New Democracy party claiming vic…
Global markets are again breathing a sigh of relief after the weekend’s Greek election, with the pro-Euro New Democracy party claiming vic…
Now that we have had the elections in Egypt, France and Greece we have the least worst outcomes and have only to wait for elections in the U…
In summing up a business summit in Brisbane on June 13, the Prime Minister floated her intention to lower the company tax rate – but as …
This weekend will take the business community to the edge of a Greek tragedy and the repeat of the bonfire of the vanities associated with q…
Why are retail sales in the doldrums, or headed online? To me, it’s in part because Australian shopping malls are bland, uninteresting c…
Last week’s decision by China to cut interest rates by 0.25% seemed to attract almost as much attention in Australia as the same decision …
Business is best defined as: “Creating wealth through profitable transactions”. I came to this definition many years ago after having wo…
When its share price was soaring in 2005, Qantas’ then chair Margaret Jackson couldn’t convince shareholders to sell to Airline Partners…
Business history is filled with stories of companies that transformed themselves, and changed the world. Apple started out as a computer com…
A simple line graph of the share of mining investment in Australia’s GDP reveals the scale of what our economy is going through. It shows…
Is Australia really the “lucky country”? Not according to most Australians, who will tell you about the rising cost of living, the …
One of my favourite pricing cartoons is that of a schoolgirl selling lemonade for $500, with the caption reading “I just want to sell one …