With drug and alcohol use prevalent in our society, employers are rightly concerned about the impacts of usage on work performance. By PETER…

With drug and alcohol use prevalent in our society, employers are rightly concerned about the impacts of usage on work performance. By PETER…
Senior Coalition figures defended a surprise move to strengthen competition laws and foreshadowed changes to make IR laws more user-friendly…
Many SMEs in the retail and hospitality sectors have embraced the opportunity to make big cuts in wages and conditions under WorkChoices, le…
It was a confident John Howard who told the press at lunchtime today that he is staying, and still believes he and his team can win the elec…
Business owners have long been perceived to be a key constituency of the coalition. But a Smartcompany–Roy Morgan poll of 769 small and me…
The Government has made a last-minute move to beef up SMEs’ protection against predatory pricing by adopting a key change to Trade Practic…
It is looking likely that Anna Bligh will become Queensland’s next Premier, following the surprise resignation of Peter Beattie yesterday …
Should women get 14 weeks’ government-funded maternity leave? The federal election is about to have a new issue, courtesy of the Democrats…
The global internet domination of Google continues unabated after one US company has dropped its trademark infringement lawsuit against the …
There is little doubt unions will have more influence under Labor’s IR policy, but the Federal Government may be going too far in assertin…
Key business groups in the SME sector have slammed Labor’s new position on industrial relations, which they say offers nothing for small b…
A new Federal Court case confirms that bosses who turn a blind eye to mistreatment of employees are making a very expensive mistake. But wha…