It must be that time of the pseudo election campaign, when the pollies roll out promises to cut red tape. Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd has p…

It must be that time of the pseudo election campaign, when the pollies roll out promises to cut red tape. Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd has p…
Questions are being raised about whether a proposal by Labor to allow “multi-employer collective bargaining”, which could provide a wind…
Federal Treasurer Peter Costello has criticised a new study of WorkChoices that concluded people on Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs) e…
Labor has moved to reassure thousands of independent contractors in the housing industry that their status would not be threatened under any…
Debate intensified today over Barnaby Joyce’s amendments to better protect SMEs against predatory pricing. The laws were passed by Federal…
Victorian businesses are calling for cheaper workcover premiums following a bumper $1.17 billion profit for the Victorian Workplace Autho…
The local labour market needs foreign workers to fill the gap, but employers now have more responsibility – and increased scrutiny. By PET…
A move to replace state renewable energy schemes with a single national clean energy target announced by Prime Minister John Howard yesterda…
Nearly half of small and medium businesses say they have been bullied by big business. And the vast majority (81%) say the ACCC is not doing…
Employees on Australian Workplace Agreements have enjoyed strong pay rises between 2004 and 2006, with small businesses accounting for an in…
Want to know why many of your Gen-Y employees can’t write adequate English?When they were at school they did not spend a lot of time learn…
Prime Minister John Howard had a reprieve in the polls this morning and other new polls may give some indication why. Today’s Newspoll sho…