Employers who pursue a ‘sign or else’ approach to AWAs can fall foul of the law – and unions are not immune. By PETER VITALE. By Pete…

Employers who pursue a ‘sign or else’ approach to AWAs can fall foul of the law – and unions are not immune. By PETER VITALE. By Pete…
The Coalition has leapt to seize control of the campaign agenda by announcing it will implement tax cuts worth $34 billion over five years i…
After months of shadow boxing between the major parties, yesterday’s events revealed two things: first, that we face six weeks of intense …
Events over the last week have done little to please those of us hoping for a lift in the quality of debate over broadband in Australia. Com…
An unexpected surge in tax revenue has helped the Victorian budget to a $1.365 billion surplus for 2006-07. Budget documents released yester…
China has been touted as the world’s new business powerhouse, but “world’s best practice” has yet to make its way there. Here’s wh…
Workers yearn for creativity Almost 90% said they consider themselves creative, but only 63% said they are putting their creative abilities …
Employers should not assume they can terminate employees absent for long periods for reasons that are not work-related. By PETER VITALE. By…
It is folk lore in Melbourne. The best time to sell as the end of year approaches is between two major events – the end of the Australian…
The number of workplace agreements that flunk the fairness test has gone through the roof, with 442 agreements being put out of action in Se…
Attempts by Small Business Minister Fran Bailey to pull independent contractor groups into line appears to have met with some success, with …
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s case against Google, which threatens to set a worldwide precedent on the search giant…