Unfair dismissal will soon be an issue for all employers. Recent claims of unfair dismissal have lived or died on the strength of company po…

Unfair dismissal will soon be an issue for all employers. Recent claims of unfair dismissal have lived or died on the strength of company po…
The Coalition promised small business certain tax concessions, reports TERRY HAYES. They are not yet law, but will the new Government stick …
As a means to simplify Australia’s unfair dismissal laws, the Rudd Government is considering the possibility of introducing new procedures t…
Business owners have long been regarded as the natural constituency of the Coalition. So three months into a Labor/Rudd Government, with eco…
Huge challenges lie ahead for the small business groups being consulted in drafting Labor’s fair dismissal code. There are high hopes that…
A high-profile report on Australia’s response to climate change released yesterday has left open the prospect of compensation for small an…
The Franchise Council of Australia has missed out on a seat at the table with Small Business Minister Craig Emerson on the Government’s Sm…
AWAs could be consigned to the legal dustbin in less than a month following a Coalition shift to allow a Senate inquiry into Labor’s IR la…
The Labor Government has begun assembling small business consultation groups to advise it on its proposed fair dismissal code, Small Busines…
The Coalition appears to have dropped its objection to Labor’s industrial relations legislation and it is now likely AWAs will be abolishe…
The first steps in the Government’s makeover of industrial relations have been taken, reports PETER VITALE. Early signs show that business…
SMEs could face a significant increase in employment costs if the proposed list of 10 minimum pay and condition standards, unveiled by Workp…