Five actionable steps to unleash your influence quotient

linkedin influence leader

Friska Wirya is the founder of Fresh by Friska. Source: Supplied

In business, love and life, there’s a currency more sought after than bitcoin and an asset more influential than the greenback – and that – is influence. Often overlooked yet profoundly impactful, influence is the silent orchestrator of decisions, relationships, and organisational success. As business owners and executives, understanding the nuances of influence and cultivating your influence quotient (I call it IQ 3.0) can unlock doors, forge partnerships, and drive real change.

Imagine influence as the magnetic field that guides the compass of business decisions. It’s the subtle art of persuasion, the strategic alignment of goals, the empathetic understanding of unmet needs, and the mirroring of body language to deepen rapport. In today’s hyperconnected and competitive landscape where we’re constantly pressured to do more, with less… Mastering influence isn’t just advantageous – it’s essential to build resilient organisations that will stand the test of time.

Now, let’s delve into five actionable strategies to amplify your IQ 3.0 and elevate your impact:

Forge genuine connections

Is it just me who’s flabbergasted that Trump is likely to be the next US president (again)? He may be crass, brash and pompous but damn, he’s authentic. What you see is what you get. In a world of digital noise, authenticity is the currency that buys trust and loyalty. Perfection hampers connection. Be real, be patient and actively listen. Build rapport based on shared values and mutual respect.

Craft compelling narratives

Influence is often conveyed through storytelling. Craft compelling narratives that resonate with your audience’s emotions, aspirations, and challenges. You really need to take the time to do this properly. Do the work and think deeply about how to use storytelling to illustrate visions, convey values, and inspire action. A well-told story can captivate hearts and minds, leading to meaningful influence.

Lead with conviction

Influence stems from confidently clarifying your vision and purpose. Define your mission, articulate your values, and lead with conviction. A visionary leader who communicates a compelling future with confidence and conviction inspires others to rally behind shared goals like a moth to a flame. There’s looking confident and there’s sounding confident. You need to master both.

Emotionally intelligent empathy

Empathy is the cornerstone of effective influence. Develop EQ by understanding and managing your own emotions while empathising with others. Empathy is not sympathy. Empathy is not acceptance. Know the difference. Seek to understand, not to respond. Empathetic leaders build trust, foster collaboration, and wield influence to empower – not to disempower.

Collaborate and co-create

Influence flourishes in collaborative environments. Foster a culture of collaboration by valuing diverse perspectives, encouraging innovation, and embracing collective problem-solving. Sometimes, you need to start from the outside in. Collaborating with key opinion leaders outside of your organisation or industry can have the unintended effect of inspiring others (internally within your business) to support your cause or join your movement.

Influence is not a mystical force reserved for a select few. It’s a skill that can be honed, cultivated, and leveraged for a positive impact. By forging genuine connections, crafting compelling narratives, leading with conviction, cultivating empathy, and being pro-collaboration and anti-competition, you can elevate your IQ 3.0 to build a better you, a better team, and a better business.

Friska Wirya is the founder of Fresh by Friska.