You’ve taken on a new venture and things aren’t quite going to plan. You push forward with greater intensity, hoping this will move y…
Trent Leyshan is the founder of sales training company BOOM! Sales and the author of Outlaw and The Naked Salesman.
You’ve taken on a new venture and things aren’t quite going to plan. You push forward with greater intensity, hoping this will move y…
Dennis the management consultant arrived late to a public sales seminar I was conducting. The rest of the participants arrived early for the…
We naturally sell to and buy from people we like or share a likeness with. How many of your customers fly to work in their own chartered jet…
In my previous book, The Naked Salesman, I explored the damaging effects that crazy customers, that is to say, time wasters, have on busines…
“Is the customer always right?” is an age-old question that still baffles salespeople. I’m all for carefully challenging a customer and r…
Tim is an IT consultant. Every week enthusiastic potential customers seek him out with a range of problems he can solve and, of course, the …
“Let there be light…” boomed the bold voice from deep within the darkness. Silence ensued for what seemed like an eternity, until…..
Last week I made a reservation to stay at the Novotel hotel in Darling Harbour, Sydney. The booking was for this coming Friday. However, …