What do a doctor, politician, priest and CEO all share in common? As people, they are all defined by their title. What makes these tit…
Trent Leyshan is the founder of sales training company BOOM! Sales and the author of Outlaw and The Naked Salesman.
What do a doctor, politician, priest and CEO all share in common? As people, they are all defined by their title. What makes these tit…
An age-old question that still baffles too many businesspeople is whether the customer is always right. How you or your team members ponder …
Do your salespeople sit back at drink o’clock on a Friday afternoon and share war stories of the customers that got away, potential clients …
In my previous book, The Naked Salesman, I explored the damaging effects that crazy customers, that is to say, time wasters, have on busines…
Trent Leyshan talks to Aussie Bum chief executive Sean Ashby about the art of making money from undies. (Warning: Contains language which ma…
I arrived at Sydney airport. I briskly exited the terminal and was immediately greeted by the humid morning air. I strategically positioned …
In sales there can be confusion between what constitutes a “strategy” and a “solution”. However, there should be no ambiguity whatsoever reg…
Down-selling is the art of narrowing a customer’s expectations and matching them more effectively with a solution that best fulfils their ne…
To be the best at what you do, you need to stick at it long enough to develop the specialist skills to master it. If you’re working every da…
We all exist in a hyper-connected and transparent business world. If customers aren’t sharing their positive experiences about you with othe…
The collaborative process is a powerful way to engage team members and customers, but it also provides a platform to merge skills and game-c…
I found myself shamelessly gorging on a packet of frozen chocolate bullets. It wasn’t long before I chipped a back tooth. Not happy! But…