Twitter is the latest tech company to reveal figures showing women are still underrepresented in the information and communication technol…

Twitter is the latest tech company to reveal figures showing women are still underrepresented in the information and communication technol…
Just how much information we give away about ourselves as we browse the web has been raised again by a tracking device used in thousands of…
This year’s news on Australia’s global innovation ranking could be a lot worse, and probably will be in the future if the Federal Govern…
This year’s news on Australia’s global innovation ranking could be a lot worse, and probably will be in the future if the Federal Govern…
Google, Canon and other information technology corporations last week announced they’re banding together in an attempt to fix an allegedl…
In another example of how good Steve Jobs was in picking technology losers and winners, in 2010 he listed all of the reasons why the world …
In terms of a life-cycle of technology, it is easy to see Bitcoin as being at the same developmental stage as babies going through the “te…
Metadata is in the news again with revelations that police in Australia have been getting access to data collected from mobile base station…
In the pervasively connected world of the 21st century, creating and sharing knowledge has never been easier. But the fact remains that many…
When Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe arrives in Australia to talk trade and investment in Canberra and sign a free trade agreement betwee…
Treasurer Joe Hockey has said that he will improve the structural integrity of Australia’s tax system to address international tax avoidan…
It’s been almost three months since the Heartbleed bug was revealed and many thousands of computer servers still need to be fixed. The …