Since the last time we were together inside his prison lodgings at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, a few things have changed. Julian Assan…

Since the last time we were together inside his prison lodgings at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, a few things have changed. Julian Assan…
At the heart of Reddit, one of the Internet’s most popular social news and discussion sites, is its users. Over 3.5 million of them keep 9…
It is sometimes difficult to know which is worse, the hyperbole that accompanies product launches, especially those from Apple, or that from…
High street shops are well-established online these days and provide new opportunities for interaction between shop and shopper. Consumers h…
The fear of powerful artificial intelligence and technology is a popular theme, as seen in films such as Ex Machina, Chappie, and the Termin…
Over the last century, as mass media expanded across the world and entered into most homes, many countries have used laws and regulation to …
Prominent American biologist Ronald Germain, has recently published a remarkable suggestion about research funding in the top bioscien…
Lenovo, the Chinese firm that has bought up IBM’s cast off PC business, has announced a miniaturised computer not much larger than a smart…
Patents are instrumental to our current innovation system. They encourage inventors to share their ideas, rather than keeping them secreted …
As new organisational forms emerge, much managerial administration undertaken by large organisations is being shown to be a waste of time an…
When it comes to fostering innovation and the commercialisation of world class research, there is something the United States has that we la…
Last week was significant for the media industry, with a hiccup in the launch of Apple Music resolved and Netflix demonstrating that providi…