Admit it, we all like a bit of encouragement every now and then. Yes, some want it on a more frequent basis than others, but whatever its fr…
Sue is a selling better strategist and advisor, sales philosopher and speaker, sales trainer and coach, writer and activist. Sue is chief executive of forward thinking sales advisory Barrett and online sales education and resource platform Barrett develops sales strategies, standards and education that help people and businesses sell better.
Admit it, we all like a bit of encouragement every now and then. Yes, some want it on a more frequent basis than others, but whatever its fr…
Sales trend five of our Sales Trends Report for 2015 is about the new accountability is holistic learning. Learning and Development across…
Last week, we hosted our 2015 Barrett 12 Sales Trends Annual Business Breakfast, where many senior business and sales leaders came to hear a…
Are you the type of person who looks back and dreams of the “good ‘ol days” or the sort of person who looks forward to the future sear…
There comes a time when we realise that amidst change we cannot keep living the old way, doing the same old things expecting different outco…
The sales trend #4 of the 12 Sales Trends for 2015 is ‘Doing Meaningful Business’. Here’s a summary of the trend. Over the years compa…
Salespeople everywhere are faced with demands to meet increasingly high quotas in the face of growing market complexity and relentless finan…
Many companies in B2B sales are looking for more growth in their respective market segments; however, their sales and business leaders are s…
Many businesses and their sales teams are finding that they – or more importantly what they offer – are being lumped into the same baske…
Our Sales Trend #3 from the Barrett 12 Sales Trends for 2015 report is about the share economy. Here’s a snapshot of this trend. One of th…
How can we build effective sales teams for the short and long term? This is the perennial question that has been asked by sales managers and…
Since LinkedIn started its publishing arm there has been a growing tsunami of articles filling our news feeds and inboxes. Amongst this flo…