COVID-19 has forced many businesses to change their business model in order to survive.
Those changes may be beneficial in the short-term…
SmartCompany is the leading online publication in Australia for free news, information and resources catering to Australia’s entrepreneurs, small and medium business owners and business managers.
COVID-19 has forced many businesses to change their business model in order to survive.
Those changes may be beneficial in the short-term…
Occupational health and safety has come to the forefront of Australian workplaces in 2020. Protecting both staff and customers from the spre…
Many businesses have weathered the initial storm of the pandemic. However changing restrictions, a second lockdown in Melbourne and uncertai…
For employers looking to integrate working from home as a permanent option for employees, it’s important to set the terms of this arrangem…
COVID-19 is a huge catalyst for change within the business community. There has never been such potential for innovation, but the real quest…
SMEs are adjusting to the ‘new normal’: whether that’s fine-tuning their remote working routine or heading back to the office. If ther…
A May 20 landmark decision in the Federal Court found that casual staff with regular and systematic shifts may not be considered ‘casuals�…
Adam Valastro didn’t want to be a plumber when he grew up, but that’s what happened.
“The story wasn’t lavish”, he says.
COVID-19 threw a spanner in the works for many businesses, with a shrinking economy and unemployment on the rise. Cash flow and sources of c…