Tax office penalties waivedThe tax office has announced today that business owners will be given a one-off opportunity to correct past mista…

SmartCompany is the leading online publication in Australia for free news, information and resources catering to Australia’s entrepreneurs, small and medium business owners and business managers.
Tax office penalties waivedThe tax office has announced today that business owners will be given a one-off opportunity to correct past mista…
World of Warcraft leads booming gaming businessFantasy online game World of Warcraft was played more than four times as much as any other PC…
The tide is turning against employees who leave companies and take sensitive information with them. Properly worded contracts can help that …
Costello has tinkered with personal tax rates, but has he failed to make the real reform business is crying out for? It’s great to see th…
Entrepreneurs, especially those who are after some capital, tell lies. Here are the top 10. Raising capital is tough. The success rate in…
Many SMEs still find it very difficult to recruit effective sales people. And it’s not all due to the tight candidate market. Your sm…
Sharemarket plunge brings rates rise into picture… Bracks resigns… Seven Network loses case… Retail super sluggish… Unfair dismissal…
Dear Aunty B
I am devastated. Watching Steve Bracks (Victorian Premier) resign this morning I felt so guilty! For the past 10 years I hav…
Workers waste less time now… The electro photo frame… Video big online… M&A boom lessens litigation…Quote of the day Workers wa…
Yes, linking is a great tool. Now you’ve heard some more about it, it’s time to get strategic. Mastering the link fundamentalsEven though t…
Someone once said, ‘The errors maketh the man’, or at least they should have. Which is why Nightmare on Spring St has a Hollywood ending…
Paid maternity leave: who should pay? As an employer I try to offer flexibility. But regulators may have another, less inviting, option. …