It’s as though the taxman has a trigger-point list for putting businesses under the microscope. So what are the triggers? By TERRY HAYES o…

SmartCompany is the leading online publication in Australia for free news, information and resources catering to Australia’s entrepreneurs, small and medium business owners and business managers.
It’s as though the taxman has a trigger-point list for putting businesses under the microscope. So what are the triggers? By TERRY HAYES o…
Key business groups in the SME sector have slammed Labor’s new position on industrial relations, which they say offers nothing for small b…
US consumer confidence low hits Aust marketsCredit squeeze to hit home loans: RBAMobile spam crackdownAPEC free trade?Small cap result: Coat…
Baby boomers get ready. Gen-Ys may change not only your office but office values as well. A newspoll of 467 workers shows that 84% of employ…
Tax revenge rifeEquity mate, onlineKids like maths!YouTube race hateEven pros need online helpQuote of the day Young men want revenge on ta…
Safe Effect Technologies has cornered a very special market – fail-safe braking systems, especially for heavy-duty vehicles – and is set…
Co-ordinating your busy life with the people and businesses that matter (even those that don’t) has got a lot easier – with a simple, free…
As business owners and CEOs, we need to review culture and determine what aspects of culture are benefiting business and what aspects are ho…
Dear Aunty B,
I have a small company that was started about three years ago. We are growing rapidly and cash flow has started t…
David Gold has experienced huge success and failure. The entrepreneur from LookSmart, Dstore and Azure talks about how he made his millions …
Dear Aunty B,
We used to pay a lot more for our products and so we charged a lot more. We’ve recently found a cheaper supplier …
What’s the one thing you’d like to do if you knew your days were numbered? Go on then, do it! I dare you. Like there’s no tomorrowA…