Sometimes the only thing that stands between you and the deep blue sea is a little thing called hope – even when, on paper, a happy ending…
Sometimes the only thing that stands between you and the deep blue sea is a little thing called hope – even when, on paper, a happy ending…
Charisma (even as a word) sounds sexy. That’s because it is. Charismatic people have a power that is unmatched. They ooze that X-factor we…
Life is full of choices. Every day, every single one of us has to make a bunch of them. Power Players know that if they really want to look …
Stand facing the sun and the shadow falls behind you .This line comes from Walt Whitman. And it should be said aloud when you are ready to r…
Power Players love words. They also know the power of words. All words, whether cruel or kind, have wings. This is why the best Power Player…
A stretched mind is pantyhose: it will never return to its original dimension. Strange analogy, maybe, but true all the same. Power Players…
Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Mark Twain said this and he was right. Power Players move (immediately) away from all tho…
We all know someone who is incredibly talented but didn’t amount to anything is his or her life. Talent doesn’t get you anywhere good. I…
This is an old saying but worth repeating as many times as it takes to remind you to keep on keeping on when you’re going through a crap-s…
Power Players come with a middle name: ‘Easy’. Not in the sleazy, devil-may-care way, but in the effortless, get-it-done-without-any-com…
Power Players know this fear by heart. They know that inadequacy isn’t the enemy: it’s knowing that we have great and momentous power wi…
It was true in the New Testament and it’s true today. The powerful are merciful when most of us would choose to be vindictive. Someone screw…