Now, a little more than two weeks since its launch, you might know Vine, the latest social media app in Twitter’s stable, as “that GIF porn …
Now, a little more than two weeks since its launch, you might know Vine, the latest social media app in Twitter’s stable, as “that GIF porn …
A couple of weeks ago Facebook announced the latest addition to its list of features. It’s called Graph Search, and it’s basically Facebook’…
Who’s your favourite storyteller? Dickens? Tolkien? Jobs? That’s right, the late, great Steve Jobs wasn’t just a tech visionary. The t…
Over the past few weeks I’ve looked at the state of the publishing and music industries in the wake of the digital revolution. And while the…
Artists can be a temperamental lot. And particularly for those in the music industry – both musicians and record companies – you might a…
It was in September this year that those first yuletide trimmings of red and green were emerging in Myer and David Jones – a full three mo…
You’ve got to hand it to the Yanks, they don’t do things by halves. They even found a way to bring Black Friday – a day of shoving, shoppi…
It’s no secret that the print industry is in turmoil. The internet has disrupted all kinds of publishing models. Newspapers, especially…
Did you know you might be living in a ‘filter bubble’ — that the information you consume online may be tailored to you without you knowing…
I was flicking through my Flipboard the other day and came across the following headline: “Memo to Online Ads: Nix the engagement and focu…
This column is in no way somewhere for me to spruik the company I work for, but obviously what I do day to day is likely to inspire what I w…