Leanne Faulkner is a small business mental health advocate and the founder of Billie Goat Soap, which she grew from a kitchen-based hobby and later sold to The Heat Group. Drawing on her own experience, Leanne advocates for more mental health resources to support small business owners through her Fortitude at Work website and Facebook page. She has worked with the Australian Taxation Office, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, and the Victorian Small Business Commissioner, and is an ambassador for the Council of Small Business of Australia. She was named the COSBOA Business Champion Award in 2015, and now represents COSBOA on the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance.
In Australia the small business landscape is dominated by males. In fact, approximately 65% of all small businesses in Australia are owned o…
Everyone has stressful days at work. Owning a small business is often like riding a rollercoaster — some days it’s an absolute high whi…