The move from HTTP to HTTPS won’t have a dramatic impact on startups just yet, according to Online Store Guys’ strategy director Scott K…
Kye began his career at a Fairfax daily on the North-West Coast of Tasmania. He has since taken his belongings, and keen interest in technology, to Melbourne. He has a bachelor of Arts majoring in Political Science from the University of Tasmania and a Graduate Diploma in Journalism from RMIT University.
The move from HTTP to HTTPS won’t have a dramatic impact on startups just yet, according to Online Store Guys’ strategy director Scott K…
Transportation network startup Lyft recently claimed Uber employees had requested and cancelled more than 5000 Lyft drivers, and now Uber ha…
Data revealed by transportation network company Lyft this month has led to claims Lyft’s competitor Uber is using aggressive and questiona…
Mobile payments startup Square has rolled out Square Appointments, a new online appointment booking service aimed at small businesses. The c…
Telstra has announced it will acquire Silicon Valley-based company Ooyala, a leader in video streaming and analytics. The $US270 million (…
The Australian government’s target of A$1 billion of red-tape savings for the year is now in sight ($700 million up to March 2014 and a cl…
Freelancer is dropping its minimum jobs price from $US30 ($A32.30) to $US10 ($A10.70) to make its platform more accessible to users in both …
Google has announced it’s backing a new $300 million high speed internet trans-pacific cable system between the US and Japan. A consort…
New South Wales independent member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich, says both state and federal governments are “stuck in the past” and need …
It shouldn’t be up to Australian startups to get politicians interested in the startup industry, according to Nitro founder and chief exec…
The co-founders of Melbourne startup Maths Pathway are the first Australians to win Echoing Green Fellowships, a US-based social entrepreneu…
Freelancer is dropping its minimum jobs price from $US30 ($A32.30) to $US10 ($A10.70) to make its platform more accessible to users in both …