I’m up in Hong Kong in a few weeks’ time attending the Retail Technology Expo 2014 with retailers and technology suppliers from Asia, Eu…

Kevin Moore is a retail expert and the chairman of Crossmark Asia Pacific Holdings and Now Comms Group. He is also an independent director of Australian fintech company InvestSMART.
I’m up in Hong Kong in a few weeks’ time attending the Retail Technology Expo 2014 with retailers and technology suppliers from Asia, Eu…
Writing about growth and working with SMEs has forced me to look harder and more deeply at the relationship between the big and small and th…
With my small business chairman hat on my head, as well as my chairman of a large business hat on too, I read the outcomes of the federal go…
I was in Brisbane last week as part of the process of building an advisory board for small to medium-sized businesses, a passion of mine for…
There was an in-depth report on one of the free-to-air TV channels last week about the power of Woolworths and Coles. The main thrust was th…
The federal government is busy preparing its first budget and getting the nation ready for what’s in store. This budget will be the first…
As you read this, you’re probably one of the majority of Australians who is employed by a company or government department who has taken a…
The imminent arrival of a new retailer, well owner, into Australia in the form of South Africa’s Woolworths, should be welcomed. I don’t…
Harrison Polites at Business Spectator recently wrote a great article on the relative profit performance of key major Australian retailers, …
With individual small value food items, such as bread, spreads and oils, it’s very difficult to do anything other than sell into retail an…
“Good policies for SMEs come in clusters” That headline comes from an OECD report entitled Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovative SM…
Reading an online UK newspaper this week, I noticed that a very staid old British retailer, the John Lewis Partnership (JLP) continues to gr…