After more than 25 years in franchising, I’ve seen both franchisees and franchisors achieve spectacular success, and others lose it all.

Jason Gehrke is the director of the Franchise Advisory Centre and has been involved in franchising for 20 years at franchisee, franchisor and advisor level.
After more than 25 years in franchising, I’ve seen both franchisees and franchisors achieve spectacular success, and others lose it all.
Claims to state and federal inquiries into franchising in 2008 and 2010 that rogue behaviour by franchisors was widespread have not been …
Unfair contracts legislation to be applied to business to business contracts will have a greater impact on the franchise sector if suggested…
A proposal by Greens Senator Adam Bandt to regard franchisors as the ultimate employers of their franchisees’ staff is nanny state politic…
It’s not often that buying a franchise is described as getting a bargain.
Typically, buying a franchise costs more at first than sett…
Experienced franchisors commonly remark that although the franchise relationship ultimately boils down to the rights and obligations outline…
Most businesses that franchise don’t have enough capital at the outset. The lack of capital to grow is a fundamental reason why businesses…
A common gripe among franchisors is the difficulty in getting franchisees to embrace change. Change in a franchise network can be big (such …
Despite the introduction of a new Franchising Code of Conduct on January 1 this year, the Australian franchise sector is set to be further i…
Central to the viability of any franchisor’s business model is the method by which it generates its income. Most (but not all) franchisor…
There are 1160 franchise brands operating in Australia (according to the 2014 Franchising Australia Survey), which means that at least 1160 …
Since the new Franchising Code of Conduct came into effect on January 1 this year, businesses which have operated under a licensing arrangem…