John Cage once said: “I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones.” This notion kind o…
John Cage once said: “I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones.” This notion kind o…
Warren Bennis once said, ‘I used to think that running an organisation was equivalent to conducting a symphony orchestra. B…
In Western society, we’re big on jumping into action. Sometimes it leads to big things too. At other times, though, chaos is our only rewa…
Although the word collaboration can conjure up images of people working happily together, I rather think we would get closer to reality if …
Aristotle once said, “Anyone can get angry. That’s easy. But to get angry in the right way, for the right reason, at the right time and…
When you step up to the next level, it means less hands-on work, and more delegating and leading. You’ve read a lot of books about leaders…
A story in The National Post recently caught my eye, about Karen Klein, a woman in Greece, New York who, while doing her job as a school bu…
Relationship building is a key ingredient in the creation of successful workplaces. It is important… but we don’t always have to make a …
I am not a baseball fan. Nonetheless the other day, I sat, somewhat reluctantly, in front of my television and watched the movie Moneyball….
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions” or so says Ken Blanchard. But I’m wondering how many of us truly have an appetite for it. Af…
I was having a conversation with my son the other day. We were talking about higher education and business. At some point, those two conve…
Coaching is one of those words that tends to lace everyday language at work. I wonder though, how many people who are supposed to be doing…