Gabrielle Dolan is a global expert on business storytelling and real communication. Her latest book Magnetic Stories: Connect with Customers and Engage Employees with Brand Storytelling is available now.
Are you sick of the words used in business that don’t really mean anything? Words and phrases like optimisation, actualisation, visualisat…
“Why don’t they get it?” is a common cry around the boardrooms and corridors of workplaces. While this is frustrating for the leaders of b…
One of many challenges leaders face is communicating to their team and inspiring them to make a difference. Sonia Aplin works for Ericsson a…
Storytelling is the number-one leadership skill for the next decade. Why? Because storytelling helps leaders communicate more effectively an…
If you were ever looking for proof to counter the argument ‘it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it’, you need go no further than the cur…
This year’s Eurovision Song Contest did not disappoint with acts that typified the competition in all its glory. My personal favourite was…
For Christmas I received the new Jamie Oliver cookbook of 15-minute recipes. It’s a great cookbook with lots of recipes, as you woul…
In my first serious job in my early 20s I remember being called into the manager’s office and told that I was not paid to be the office clow…
I love the way my kids and their generation have taken the word “fail” and shaken all the fear from it. They casually – and regularly …