Facebook announced last October that it was expanding the utility of its ubiquitous and iconic “like” button by augmenting it with five …
Fi Bendall is chief executive of The Female Social Network and a Westpac-AFR 2015 100 Women of Influence, who was described by CEO Magazine as "The CEO's secret weapon". An expert and pioneer in digital strategy, she has over 23 years’ experience in the digital and tech sectors.
Facebook announced last October that it was expanding the utility of its ubiquitous and iconic “like” button by augmenting it with five …
After writing last week here about the rise to prominence of Snapchat, I came across Australian wine startup Vinomofo’s Snapchat campai…
Snapchat looks like it could be getting serious about monetising its core Millennial and beyond demographic with a series of rumoured …
One of the biggest business sectors in Australia is the franchising industry. According to IBISWorld statistics, there are about 1170 fra…
If you thought one of the last people you’d be looking to as an example for how to run your social media accounts would be an ageing, m…
If your businessis using only Facebook to connect with social media users then you could be missing out on valuable customers elsewhere. …
Hardly a day goes by without another business ending up in the news because of a social media fail.
This month we saw the Victorian Taxi …
When the leader of one of the most conservative organisations in the world is on Twitter, it shows how pervasive social media has become …
More women are now online and women are using social media sites in greater numbers, for longer periods, and in different ways to men. Wo…
It might sometimes seem like slow progress, but measures across such categories as the increased participation of women in the workforce a…
The rise of the digital economy has occurred in tandem with the increased participation of women in the workplace. While there has been a…
The percentage of businesses owned by women is growing. An Australian Bureau of Statistics report Perspectives on Regional Australia: Busine…