The last time that money market interest rates were at current levels was 53 years ago. In March 1960, the minimum interest rate applied on …

The last time that money market interest rates were at current levels was 53 years ago. In March 1960, the minimum interest rate applied on …
Last Wednesday, the broadest measure of the Australian dollar’s value – the trade weighted index – hit its highest level in 28 years. Th…
The Reserve Bank’s recent Financial Stability Review highlighted in no uncertain terms that Australian household balance sheets are in stron…
RP Data and Rismark will today release their latest Home Value Index results for March. The data provides the most comprehensive assessment …
With yet another crisis in Europe, it’s worth getting a little perspective on the importance of the region, showing how it has changed over …
On Tuesday, March 5, the blue-chip US Dow Jones share index of 30 stocks hit fresh record highs. To many this would seem remarkable. The …
Ahead of the December quarter economic growth figures on Wednesday, it is worthwhile to reflect on the strong performance of the Australian …
While we don’t know for certain, there are good reasons to suggest that the solid gains recorded by the sharemarket in 2013 are in response …
One of the remarkable developments over the past year is that investors and analysts can now track home prices on a daily basis just like th…
At the start of the year we penned the following to represent our interest rate views: “Confidence is a key issue. If global risks reced…
Over 2011 and the early part of 2012 there was almost a daily dose of bad news, especially about European economies. Investors reacted as ex…
The Organisation of Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) has just produced its latest outlook report. The question is whether we sho…