Choice Energy’s Christopher Dean shares his coronavirus diary: July 2020 We're back in lockdown, but this time, with seas we know a little better, and a touch more experience, writes Choice Energy chief Christopher Dean.
Choice Energy’s Christopher Dean shares his coronavirus diary: June 9, 2020 As businesses prepare to return to their offices, what do leaders have to do to help staff make the transition back to a more familiar working structure?
Choice Energy’s Christopher Dean shares his coronavirus diary: May 13, 2020 Choice Energy chief executive Christopher Dean shares his first coronavirus diary and reflects on how he's been communicating with his team during the pandemic.
Recommended reading: Choice Energy’s Christopher Dean shares the book that’s helping him manage through COVID-19 Choice Energy chief executive Christopher Dean recommends business owners read 'A Beautiful Constraint' by Adam Morgan and Mark Barden as they deal with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.