An important buzzword on the PR and marketing scene, content refers to the mediums, such as articles, videos and images, which help tell sto…

Catriona Pollard is the founder and director of CP Communications and the author of From Unknown To Expert.
An important buzzword on the PR and marketing scene, content refers to the mediums, such as articles, videos and images, which help tell sto…
When you think of a thought leader as someone recognised as an authority on specific topics, it is easy to understand why so many business p…
Business-to-business marketing is often seen as the poor cousin to business-to-consumer marketing. Interestingly, research shows that the vo…
Letter writing is no longer a dying art; it is the dodo of digital evolution. So how does an organisation that has delivered snail mail sinc…
The only car accident I’ve ever had was when I managed to reverse parallel-park into a telephone pole on a busy Sydney street. As I’m du…
“How do I shut down Twitter?” That was the question reportedly asked by the marketing director at entertainment retailer, HMV, last week…
LinkedIn has revamped its offerings this year, and the latest is a spruced-up personal profile page. The new-look page is more streamlined, …
Social media can create a real sense of community around you and your brand. The key is not to see it as a promotional tool but as a way to …
This week the Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) released best practice guidelines for brands on social media. This follo…
When professionals want to use social media as a way to build profile and attract new clients, a personal Facebook profile is probably not a…
You may have noticed a new panel on your LinkedIn profile where you can give and receive endorsements for skills and expertise. This functio…
LinkedIn is rolling out new-look company pages aimed at being more visually powerful so leading companies can better use the website as a ma…