Every entrepreneur will tell you that it takes hard work and persistence to be successful. In addition to loving what you do, continually le…
Catriona Pollard is the founder and director of CP Communications and the author of From Unknown To Expert.
Every entrepreneur will tell you that it takes hard work and persistence to be successful. In addition to loving what you do, continually le…
Done right, networking can be the silver bullet to building your profile, gaining new business opportunities and building your career. But w…
Whether you are looking for a new career challenge, growing your business or starting a new company, becoming a person of influence in your …
Your personal brand is a hard-won commodity and in business it is your most valuable asset. But what happens when that brand is damaged in s…
As a business professional, your most prized possession is your reputation. A good reputation can open doors to limitless possibilities wher…
Twitter has opened the gates to businesses around the globe, including Australia, offering paid advertising space to small and medium busine…
Throughout my career one thing that has always struck me is how the idea of putting one’s self forward can be incredibly uncomfortable and…
Any successful thought leader will tell you sharing useful and interesting information can be powerful in building a positive reputation and…
What’s the first thing you do when you meet someone new? You search for them online. You may look at their LinkedIn profile, their company…
On a ranch outside of Austin, Texas, I kicked up my heels and laughed my way through boot scootin’ dancing, rubbing shoulders with one of …
As businesses seek to trim the fat and slimline their processes, debate has risen about the value of social media advertising. Is it convert…
We’ve all done it – some more than others. I try to resist as it does feel a touch narcissistic, but I succumb from time to time. Just y…