One of the benefits of starting BuyReply is that I have been able to reconnect with technology. BuyReply is a software business wherea…

One of the benefits of starting BuyReply is that I have been able to reconnect with technology. BuyReply is a software business wherea…
I just read an awesome blog post written by Albert Wenger from Union Square Ventures. Albert has financed some of the largest consumer…
Companies who want to hire the best talent won’t be looking for credentials on one page. They will demand a deeper insight into thei…
The best investment I never made was not having a student loan and not buying a property. As an entrepreneur, I’ve ended up better o…
I read A VC every day. It’s the last thing I do before I go to sleep, as it is early morning in New York. Today, Fred wrote a piece o…
One of the most challenging aspects of a start-up is hiring. At the end of the day, an organisation comes down to its people and how g…
If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you need to know what you are trying to achieve. I spend a bit of time mentoring and worki…
While there is much hype around the concept of a “minimum viable product”, little is said about applying a lean philosophy to finding th…
One of the key differences between BuyReply and Lind Golf is that BuyReply’s business model gives us control over our inbound and outbound…
Kevin Rose had everything going for him. A strong personal brand and network, $1.7 million in funding and a team of super smart people that …
Building a start-up is a methodical process that can often feel overwhelming. A start-up can be split into three distinct stages. Each stage…