How to formulate a secret sauce for your business, and keep it a mystery Most successful businesses have a secret sauce that gives them a competitive edge and increases their chances of success.
Sales versus marketing: Which is the better strategy for startups? Regardless of how innovative a product is, traction is vital to building a customer base. But should startups be sales- or marketing-driven?
A growth versus fixed mindset often means the difference between success and failure Blackberry lost its market share to Apple and Google because it fostered a fixed rather than growth mindset.
Benjamin Chong has been on the receiving end of many startup pitches: Here are his 10 tips for founders Attracting capital requires a killer pitch, with purpose and clarity, that articulates what the founder wants to achieve.
The nine boxes all founders need to tick when pitching, straight from an investor’s mouth Pitching your startup idea? Without these nine components, even the brightest founder can fail to win over investors.
A pressure cooker environment: How to minimise the pain of a co-founder breakup Co-founder breakups are common because such relationships are beset with challenges — so all founding teams should have a vesting agreement in place.
COVID-19: The financial future is bright for the brave and the bold As investors and founders stare down the barrel of an uncertain future, exactly how bad is this situation we are all in together?
Lights, camera, competition: What today’s startups can learn from the fate of old home movies COVID-19 will claim many startups but some will reinvent themselves and new rivals will emerge. Here's how your business can get the competitive edge.
Empathy and irony: How COVID-19 has redefined what ‘winning’ a negotiation really means As businesses try to find a path forward through the COVID-19 fall-out, bringing a healthy dose of empathy to the negotiation table may be a wise strategy.
Three ways “hibernation” can help startups weather COVID-19 Prime Minister Scott Morrison is calling for business "hibernation", but how does a startup take cover from a severe and prolonged economic downturn?
Struggling to get investment? There is one thing your startup needs Traction is the difference between the success and failure of a business, and the ability for a founder to secure the funding they need to take the business to the next stage.
Relax, recharge and reset: How founders can double-down on goal setting in 2020 Are you a startup founder looking to maximise the highs and minimise the lows? Check out Benjamin Chong's tips for goal setting in 2020.