Buy in bulk and save

TaskmasterEveryone in business knows that buying more generally allows you to buy for less. But many start-ups lack the purchasing power (and the clout) to demand discounts by buying in bulk.


So why not try a few ways to lower your purchasing costs using these ideas:

  • Join up with a membership-based warehouse retailer such as Campbell’s Wholesale or Costco. You’ll be able to leverage their ability to bulk buy and get good savings, particularly on everyday office items.
  • Get organised with a group of business owner friends and form a purchasing club. Together you will be able to get better deals out of services providers – sort of like the old group discount.
  • Join a buying or purchasing group. These groups can also offer other forms of back-end and marketing support.
  • Team up with a rival. If you are in a specialist space and buy specialist raw materials or products, it may make sense to join up and seek a better deal – even if it feels a little unnatural.

Think laterally and create some savings.


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