Driving towards a start-up idea

Business start-up for taxi learningIf you’re a parent of school-aged children or teenagers, you may feel like a taxi driver from time to time, particularly if your child is remotely social, sporty or engaged in extracurricular activities.



Your weekday mornings and evenings – not to mention weekends – are likely a constant journey between schools, friends’ homes, birthday parties, sports sessions and music lessons.


Fortunately, a solution has been created in order to help kids appreciate the value of their parents’ time and efforts.


‘Dad’s Cab’ – an app that acts as a mock taximeter, placed on the dashboard for the benefit of children who may take their mum or dad for granted when it comes to transport.


When a child is dropped off at a destination, they are issued a fare card specifying a task or chore for them to complete in exchange for the lift.


This way, children learn to appreciate their parents’ time and come to realise that not everything in life is free.


‘Payments’ are simple things like tidying one’s room or making their parent a cup of tea, and can be issued as often or as sparingly as the parent sees fit.


In addition, to being taxi drivers for their children, parents are chefs, tailors and book-keepers, so why not apply the concept to these services as well? This idea could be taken from the app world and applied in a more tangible way in order to tap into the family market.