Clicks to customers


Clicks to clients? I think all your points are good ones and well worth pursuing. You haven’t mentioned segmentation in the sense of trying to understand your customer groupings and sending each of these groups down a different path in your website. I think that this is the way a web-centric buyer wants to be treated.


I liked your latter points about the web facilitating the closing of the sale.  This is what we talk about for web-centric buyers and you make the point that they will go elsewhere if they cannot complete everything they desire on the web. This is particularly true for IT companies moving to a software-as-a-service model which is a business transformation which is our expertise.


I have a couple of questions. Firstly I noted your point about having evidence of a physical office and land line – how important is this in these times of more and more smaller consultancies perhaps working from home? And, secondly, I think that these is still a place for web-agnostic buyers who engage through the web but prefer to close through non-web transactions – these are not to be ignored.