The supercomputer you can own

The world’s first supercomputer for average consumers – 250 times faster than the average personal computer – has been released for purchase in Britain.

The world’s first supercomputer for average consumers – 250 times faster than the average personal computer – has been released for purchase in Britain.

At a cost of $9100, it will initially be released for scientific and research communities, but computer company Dell says the computers will soon be available for general purchase.

These computers are so powerful they will allow doctors to process brain and body scan results much quicker, allowing them to diagnose tumours within hours instead of days. Some scientists say the computers could even help find cures for cancer faster than traditional research.

David Kirk, chief scientist at NVIDIA, the company behind the technology in the computers, told they can process information 1000 times faster than normal set-ups.

“If you imagine it takes a week to get a result (from running an experiment), you can only do it 52 times a year. If it takes you minutes, you can do it constantly, and learn just as much in a day.”