Beware bogus airline ticket email scam

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has warned computer users to be wary of an airline ticketing scam which can result in malicious software being uploaded to their computers.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has warned computer users to be wary of an airline ticketing scam which can result in malicious software being uploaded to their computers.

The ACCC says it has received a number of complaints about a bogus email claiming to be from an airline company.

The email, which has a fake ticket and receipt attached, advises consumers they have been charged about $500.

The ACCC warns that opening the attachment runs the risk of activating malicious software, which could infect the computer and let scammers grab personal details such as online banking passwords or other records.

If you receive a suspicious looking airline email, either delete it straight away or contact the airline by phone to confirm the purchase.

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